Delivering Comprehensive Potash & Mining Solutions

We offer extensive experience in potash and mining projects coupled with strong industry relationships.

Key Contact
Shaun Kozak

A portrait of two professionals from Scott Land & Lease Ltd. From left to right: Celeste Farrow, Surface Manager, wearing a black top and smiling; and Shaun Kozak, Manager, Freehold Minerals & Special Projects, wearing a checkered shirt and smiling. Both are standing against a white background, conveying a sense of professionalism and approachability.
Celeste Farrow
Surface Manager
Shaun Kozak
Manager, Freehold Minerals
& Special Projects

Did You Know?

Scott Land & Lease is the most active land company in the potash industry.

Benefit from Scott Land’s experience and in-depth knowledge of potash and mining across Canada. We acquire more potash rights than any other land company, scout new well sites, land purchases, relocations, access and feasibility for our clients and offer cradle to grave project support. As a result of our involvement in multiple potash and mining projects, we have established strong relationships with local landowners and key players in this business. Clients rely on our land services for plant sites, tailing management areas and road infrastructure in the mining industry. We provide support and specialize in surface land acquisition, freehold mineral leasing, Indigenous consultation, stakeholder engagement and project strategy.